COLLARD Leaf Removers with double flow* of air :
COLLARD, the only manufacturer with 50 years of experience in this defolating technology!
Leaf removal is achieved by a double flow* of low-pressure air, produced by a booster which, is blown through the leaves at fruit level by rotating nozzles, that removes the leaves from both the outside and the interior of the row, achieving selective leaf removal around the fruits. Only this technology makes it possible to leaf from the start of vegetation to the day before harvest.
This range of COLLARD arboreal Leaf Removers is subject to a large number of industrial protections.
Why remove leaves?
This technique consists in removing leaves from around the bunches of fruits :
• Very rapid color setting by better exposure of the fruits,
• Time saving during manual harvesting, better view of the fruits, easier sorting,
• Better aeration of the fruit zone,
• Better penetration of spray treatments.